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Breaking News Rules - Read Before Posting

A place for all animal-related breaking news stories.
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Breaking News Rules - Read Before Posting

Post by king »

Welcome to the Breaking News Forum!

This space is dedicated to sharing the latest and most relevant news in the world of pets. To ensure that all news shared is reliable and informative, please adhere to the following guidelines before posting:
  1. Moderation and Approval: All news posts must be approved by a moderator or admin before they become public. This is to ensure that the content meets our quality and reliability standards.
  2. Source Credibility: Only share news that is well-sourced and verifiable. Include citations from credible sources, and whenever possible, provide multiple sources to support the facts in your news story.
  3. Informative Content: Ensure that your posts contribute valuable information to the community. Each post should offer clear, factual, and detailed news relevant to pet enthusiasts.
  4. No Fake News: Do not post false, misleading, or pseudo-news. Ensure that your sources are legitimate and trustworthy. Posting fake or malicious news will result in immediate corrective actions.
  5. Objectivity and Impartiality: When posting news, it's important to remain neutral and unbiased. Avoid letting personal opinions, political views, or religious beliefs influence the content. This ensures that the information is presented fairly and helps maintain trust and credibility within our community.
By following these rules, you help create a trustworthy and educational environment for all pet lovers looking to stay informed about the latest news. Thank you for contributing responsibly to the Breaking News Forum!