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Whisker Fatigue

A place for all things feline diet and nutrition.
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Whisker Fatigue

Post by king »

As a cat owner, it's important to be aware of a lesser-known issue called whisker fatigue, which can affect your cat's eating and drinking behavior. Whisker fatigue occurs when a cat's sensitive whiskers repeatedly touch the sides of their bowl, leading to sensory overload. This discomfort can deter them from consuming their food or water adequately.

To prevent whisker fatigue, consider the type of dish you use. Opt for either a wide, shallow dish or a mostly flat plate. These types of dishes help ensure that your cat's whiskers do not touch the edges and allow them to eat and drink comfortably, encouraging proper hydration and nutrition.

Also, best to manage your cat's feeding schedule to prevent overfeeding. Rather than leaving a full bowl out at all times, feeding your cat once or twice a day in controlled portions can promote healthier eating habits and weight management. This practice not only helps in maintaining your cat's optimal weight but also contributes to overall health.

Whisker Fatigue via PetMD
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